alarm systems
All our anti-theft systems are state-of-the-art and designed to protect internal and external areas, thanks to the GSM technology with its dedicated app, as well as to personalized systems that meet customer needs.
They are also suitable for all those who need a fire protection system with gas detection and automatic shutdown.
We use high quality products, guarantee high reliability
and produce both wired and radio systems.
We offer alarm control units and battery-powered sirens which, in case of burglary,
guarantee the operation of the alarm. If a GSM card is also added to the alarm, even if telephone wires are cut, the alert calls will still be forwarded.
Among the alarm systems that we install, we offer a fog-generating system:
A particular system that saturates the environment with a dense and impenetrable fog within seconds,
disorienting the criminals. The generated fog is harmless, does not stain, and does not leave any traces or dust.

A safety and video surveillance
system for every need
Our video surveillance systems adapt to any type of intervention:
Surveillance of roads, entrances, hotels, shops, offices, commercial activities and even
homes. All these systems are equipped with a DVR and NVR recorder and offer the possibility
of displaying images on a computer and/or mobile device in real time, anywhere.
The video surveillance systems can be interfaced with Nogarotto anti-theft systems, in order to ensure that, if an alarm goes off, the control panel alerts the connected mobile phone and, at the same time, makes it possible to view the cameras and monitor the situation. This way, customers will be able to know if there were any intruders, or if it was a false alarm.